martes, 27 de enero de 2015

A short video about Olympic Games


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People together in Olympic games
Young spectators in the opening ceremony of the games.

Olympic rings over people
Olympic rings painted over people.

Olympic colors
Olympic colors, every country flags has at least one of them.

Angolan basketball team dancing during the games
Angolan basketball team dancing during the game to show angolan culture

Olympics coins
Coins minted with sport symbols



 (Try to use a proper style in your writings)

First essay

 Compare the pictures above and decribe the common points you find.

Second essay

Describe one of the pictures and link it with Olympic ideals and social values.

martes, 20 de enero de 2015


 The Olympic Oath is a solemn promise made by one athlete—as a representative of each of the participating Olympic competitors; and by one judge—as a representative of each officiating Olympic referee or other official, at the opening ceremonies of each Olympic Games.

 The athlete, from the team of the organizing country, holds a corner of the Olympic Flag while reciting the oath : In the name of all the competitors I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, committing ourselves to a sport without doping and without drugs, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams.

 The judge, also from the host nation, likewise holds a corner of the flag but takes a slightly different oath: In the name of all the judges and officials, I promise that we shall officiate in these Olympic Games with complete impartiality, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them in the true spirit of sportsmanship.

 The coach, also from the host country: In the name of all the coaches and other members of the athletes' entourage, I promise that we shall commit ourselves to ensuring that the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play is fully adhered to and upheld in accordance with the fundamental principles of Olympism.

  The Olympic Oath - Opening Ceremony - London 2012 Olympic Games 

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        Questionnaire online

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

Descripción del blog

pretende ser un instrumento que indague y resalte el deporte como entorno privilegiado para el desarrollo de valores sociales y la competencia ciudadana de los que participen. Actualmente, en mis clases, solemos comentar noticias del mundo de deporte como fórmula. En tercero los alumnos llevan un blog de clase donde incluyen las ideas mas poderosas. En cuarto realizamos una revista digital en grupos, utilizando FlipSnack. Todo ello se aloja en mi Website, de la que hacen uso los alumnos. En este blog comienzo un nuevo camino en la búsqueda de una herramienta dinámica, que soporte diferentes formatos para hacer más eficiente el uso de esta metodología, partiendo de noticias, acontecimientos, o profundizando en temas relacionados como el Olimpismo, Deporte para discapacitados, Mujer y deporte, etc. Intentaremos desarrollar los contenidos en español e inglés, enmarcandonos en el programa bilingüe de nuestro centro, del que formo parte. Esperamos aportar textos, enlaces a artículos, imágenes, vídeos, y más. Aunque su audiencia objetiva serán mis alumnos, espero que podeamos enganchar a otros alumnos y compañeros, tanto de secundaria como de otras enseñanzas, además de aquellas personas del mundo del deporte que quieran ser partícipes.